Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

The Social Scene of Attracting Customers

The Social Scene of Attracting Customers

Q Each student will be responsible for finding an article, blog, video, etc. (the resource), sharing it with the class, and guiding a productive dialogue for the week. You should plan on posting your selected resource by Wednesday evening with some guiding questions to stimulate the discussion. During the designated class time, you will guide the student discussion and probe students to further their thinking and learning. Your resource is your choice, but it should focus on the week’s theme. For example, if the week’s theme is social media, you should find something that highlights a social media topic, best practice, theory, how to, strategy, etc. The choice is up to you.

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This week the discussion is based on the use of social media platforms and how the marketers can use this for their benefits and purpose. The selected article is the following: this article clearly states the social media helps the business as it helps to grow the brand